What happens if I've forgotten my password?

Are you trying to log into Band of Boats but the site isn't recognising you and is telling you that your login details are wrong? Don't panic, your account hasn't been lost!

First, make sure you're logging in with the correct email address (the one you used when creating your account).

Then you'll be able to reset your password by following the steps below:

  • Click on "Forgot your password?"
  • Enter the email address linked to your account - which is where you'll receive a mail with the link for resetting your password
  • Click on "Send!"
  • Go to your inbox and wait a few moments if the email has not yet arrived (it should arrive very soon)
  • To create your new password, click on "Log into Band of Boats" in the body of the message
  • Re-enter your email address and the new password you want to use
  • Write down this new password in a safe place