Why do I have to register on Band of Boats?

You need to create an account on Band of Boats if you want to take advantage of all of our services:

Make your boat search or sale easier

Creating an account allows you to post one or more ads for free, see the contact details for boat sellers that may interest you, save ads to your list of favourites and view them at any time.

Get access to quality content and features reserved for community members.

Some areas of the Band of Boats site are only visible to logged in members. You'll be able to add a review about boat models that you know well or even download the boat ads that interest you as PDFs so you can keep them in your documents or share them with your loved ones.

Keep your information secure and personalise your profile

Creating an account on Band of Boats is free and your personal data is kept secure. You can customise your profile to suit you. This enables the Band of Boats team to target everything that could be of interest to you and customise the content you see so that it is relevant and fits what you are looking for.