How can I get more details about a boat for sale?

Would you like to know more about a new or used boat ad that interests you? Feel free to ask your seller questions!

Band of Boats does not have any other information about any ad beyond what is provided online by the seller. If you want more information about a new or used boat for sale, please contact the boat seller directly to ask your questions.

It's easy to contact a boat's seller, you just:

  • Click on the "Send message" section on the boat ad that interests you
  • Click on the "See number" section to show the seller's phone number if they have entered one *
  • Click on the "Notify seller" section to encourage the seller to contact you

* A seller can choose not to give their telephone number. In such cases, you can only contact them by email.

Please note: To send a message or show the seller's number, you must be logged into your Band of Boats account. Please feel free to create an account if you don't have one.