A certain boat ad looks like a scam, what should I do?

Boat listings posted on Band of Boats are moderated daily by our team in so we can detect malicious sellers. However, it is possible that some escape the vigilance of our moderation team.

If a boat ad seems fraudulent to you (price too attractive, suspicious messages from the seller etc.), we would be grateful if you could report it. There are two methods for this:

    1. Send the report directly from the ad

    • Click the "Report" link located just above the block containing the price, the button to contact the seller, etc.
    • Fill out the form and confirm the report.

    2. Send the report via the Contact page

    (contact us)

    • Contact our team by filling in the requested information.
    • Select the following subject line for your request "You want to report a fraudulent ad to us".
    • Make sure you tell us the ad's reference number and specify the reason why the ad seems like a scam to you.